April 2010

I don’t know why I do it; but sometimes I can’t help glancing at Billy Graham’s column in the Religion section of the paper…I guess I shouldn’t be so critical of his patriarchal theistic theology, after all he comes from an earlier post World War II generation that needed comfort in theRead More →

I just ordered Jurgen Moltmann’s new book: Sun of Righteousness Arise: God’s Future for Humanity and the Earth. He is borrowing a line from Wesley’s classic lyrics of the cherished hymn Christ whose Glory Fills the Skies. The line in full is, “Sun of righteousness arise, triumph o’er the shadesRead More →

The more I read the Gospels the more I am convinced of their social, political and economic edges. Social, because these pieces of rhetoric address the way society is constructed, how we live together. The vertical social order is challenged by a new radical mutuality. Economic, because these gospels speakRead More →