April 2011

When I had just graduated from High School, I went on a whirlwind trip to Europe for two weeks…one of those, “visit every country you can in thirteen days” sorts of tours…mostly we just packed and unpacked suitcases. But one memory of this trip stands out prominently. Our first stopRead More →

We are making a liturgical change beginning this Palm Sunday. It is a small change, but I think most meaningful. At the acclamations following the readings, instead of the reader saying, “the word of the Lord,” the reader will instead say, “hear what the Spirit is saying to God’s people.” ThisRead More →

Blogger extraordinaire Lane Denson wrote a somewhat morose piece yesterday on the future of the Church, specifically the mainline denominations which includes the Episcopal Church. He cited statistics that were staggering, chronicling the rapidly declining numbers of churched people since the nineteen fifties. The average decline among denominations according to oneRead More →