February 2012

The Rector’s Forum group is reading currently Gustavo Gutierrez’s  important book entitled A Theology of Liberation. It is important because it summarizes succinctly a theological movement that began in the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America in the 1950’s and continues to influence theology in our world today. Martin Luther King wasRead More →

This past Sunday I was struck by the words of the opening collect. (we are now using collects written, compiled and edited by Steven Shakespeare, a priest of the Church of England and professor of contemporary ecclesiology at Liverpool University. These collects use fresh and powerful language which track the lectionary contentRead More →

I was listening to the NPR news magazine called Here and Now during lunch hosted by Robin Young. She was interviewing a black female journalist from the New York Times about the Oscar nominated film The Help, about a well to do white woman wanting to interview, for a book sheRead More →