We are a dynamic and compassionate community of faith seeking to know the truth of God in Christ and the courage to act for the good of God’s kingdom. We believe that all people are made in God’s image, and are therefore welcome to the fellowship of this place.

Nothing ever happens the way one supposes. If we are paying attention, the path always astounds us. Our plan for my sabbatical was for me to research the poetry and writings of Coleridge with an eye towards his theory of the human imagination, following his rubric that the human imagination is one and the same as the Holy Spirit. Indeed the research that I did confirmed as much, but I found that the aesthetic sensibilities of this brilliant, eccentric, and passionate poet owed to the succession of wisdom come before him reaching far into history… into the middle ages; to the writings of Plato; to the cults of alchemy and mysticism; even to the Hermeticism of ancient Egypt.

Rev. Jim Flowers – Read more in the blog

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e: office@allsaintsmobile.org