Amid Novel Corona Virus concerns…

Dear All Saints friends,
I have decided that we will call off church for tomorrow, and probably for next Sunday as well. In addition Lenten Wednesdays at the church are cancelled. We can continue hearing from our action groups at a later date. As all of you have, I’ve read volumes concerning the Covid-19 [SARS-CoV-2] virus. What is clear is that by social distancing we limit the virus’ transmission. And now, I think, not next week, is the time to act. Small precautions have exponential ramifications. This small act on our part may potentially help “flatten the curve.” If you are unfamiliar with that term, google it. The more precautionary steps we take, the less potential exists for overwhelming our healthcare resources and capabilities. Episcopal Churches in various dioceses are doing this, including in the Diocese of Alabama. I have discussed this with our bishop, and though he has not mandated this action yet in our diocese, he supports this decision. We may be jumping the gun, but I would rather err on the side of precaution. I was struck by a statement the bishop made in a recent update: “I love church, but I love my neighbor more.” We at All Saints are known for loving our neighbor. This is, among other things, a chance to model that.

There are ways to nurture your spiritual needs away from church: Read Morning Prayer with your family. You can come by the church and pick up a Prayer Book. Check out the lectionary online (“The Lectionary Page“) and read the scriptures appointed for the day; pray for the well-being of your friends and neighbors.There is a webcast this Sunday morning from the Washington National Cathedral featuring Bishop Michael Curry, our presiding bishop, as preacher. (go to the Washington National Cathedral website; you’ll see a picture of bishop Curry; click on “watch live”) … and I am available if you need me: 644-9993.

We will get through this. I see this as an opportunity to be about the practice of taking care of each other in a time in our nation’s history when we are bitterly divided as to how to do that. Remember as always: Love is so very strong… and Love will see us through.

As Ever, Jim+