In the Time of Corona Virus…

Greetings all in this time of Coronavirus. I just finished a conference call with the bishop and the clergy of the diocese to discuss the ever evolving way ahead for the sixty two churches in the diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. The bishop now has officially cancelled all “in-person” gatherings, as well as worship until Easter (April 12th). That means Sunday church, and Lenten gatherings, as well as any meeting of more than ten people. There is a possibility that we will celebrate Easter and the preceding Holy Week at a later date. We just don’t know yet.

Many clergy in the diocese and around the national church are live streaming church services…. no choir, no procession, no bread, no wine, just the priest reading the lessons and prayers and preaching. Some are even considering “drive-by” communion. My understanding of our sacramental liturgy is that it intends, above all else, a gathered community. The streaming services that I have viewed seem a bit vacuous to me, not that they are not well-intentioned, but that they lack the resonance and authenticity engendered by our physical presence. Recognizing that God is ever providing nurture for our souls and bodies, I think it is a powerful witness that we abstain from the Eucharist in deference to the care of our community and those lives we touch. if there is an “emergency” need for the Sacrament, please let me know, and we can figure out a way to accommodate that need. Having said all that, I do want to provide a means of spiritual nurture during this challenging time…. while we are apart.

Here’s what I plan to do in the short term: Beginning tomorrow, I will post on the website, as well as e-mail to you, one passage of scripture chosen from the Daily Lectionary, along with a reflection. Lent is after all an appropriate time for being attuned to the word of scripture and reflecting upon it. Also, for Sundays, I will record and post on Facebook and the website, an abbreviated service which will include the Collect for the day, a reading from scripture, a brief homily, prayers for the church and the world, and a concluding blessing. I’m thinking fifteen/twenty minutes. Each Sunday the church building will be open from 9:00 5:00 p.m. for prayer and reflection… and just a way to foster a sense of place.

This is important: Please stay connected. if you merely think of an All Saints person, or a friend, give them a call just to check in. It seems small, but it may be profound encouragement on the receiving end. And… if you need me for any reason, call me: 644-9993.

Finally, take to heart the words of Paul the Apostle in one of his more eloquent moments:

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We will thrive in this season, good people, because Love is stronger than we know. Keep the Faith.
