Jim Flowers (Page 2)

Greetings from Cambridge, good people. Katharine and I continue to revel in the garden that is England. In just four weeks things have changed remarkably. The vista from our window onto the Jesus College Green is now obscured by the new foliage of spring. The wisteria, which climbs just aboutRead More →

Greetings good people from beautiful Cambridge. We have settled in nicely to our flat which is a mere fifteen-minute walk from everything in the University Center. There are some thirty-one colleges that compose Cambridge University, some founded as early as the thirteenth century. Likewise, there are many parish churches ofRead More →

I met with the bishop yesterday. Once a year he meets individually with clergy just to “check in.” Not surprisingly the pandemic dominated our conversation. The bishop is frustrated, perhaps a little angry over the current state of affairs. I’m frustrated too. One thing he said resonated with me: “WeRead More →