Jim Flowers (Page 41)

Just this past week I spoke at a civic public gathering. The topic had to do with the words we use in our practice of the faith, and how those words have come to lose their intended meaning; how, often times words become hollow and wooden from overuse, or evenRead More →

We on the vestry are trying to keep in the forefront of our minds the reality of racism in our culture, racism that resides in our midst, pervasive in our society. We have recognized that it is an issue about which the church must be deeply concerned. I think itRead More →

Prayer is about perspective. It is a communal practice that gets us in touch with’what is.’ The Eastern religions call it mindfulness. I call it the art of paying attention, and art is a practice. Prayer is not so much about asking favors of God, though we all do that,Read More →

‘Tis the season that the emotions of the American citizenry rise to a fever pitch. It is an election year. Passions of the electorate brim to the surface. We guard our opinions more fervently during this season, sometimes at the expense of others. Our American democratic identity gets extroverted, theRead More →

The words “to be or not to be” are arguably the most famous words in the English language. They come from the lips of Shakespeare’s nihilistic protagonist, Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, whose father has been murdered by his mother’s lover. His soul, his very being is traumatized, so muchRead More →