Jim Flowers (Page 42)

Our liturgy is at the heart of who we are. While teaching and preaching in the church inform our minds, liturgy informs our souls. One of the first things we say about the Episcopal church, and particularly All Saints, beyond being welcoming and inclusive, beyond being a “thinking” church, isRead More →

It seems that the only time I go home to Dothan is for funerals. Several weeks ago I went home for the funeral of a dear friend who died young-ish. It is always remarkable to me the paradox: how things change and how they stay the same. My mother isRead More →

I saw on Facebook just the other day a picture of a man holding a cardboard placard with the words, “Prepare, the beginning is near.” This was obviously a take-off on the classic cartoon of the premillennialist prophet standing on the street corner proclaiming that the end is near. PremillennialismRead More →

Last Sunday was the feast of All Saints. It is the day when we name our dead, and celebrate their lives. It is the feast day in the church for which we, All Saints, are named. Our new bishop was also here to confirm and receive people who have reaffirmedRead More →

Last Sunday Mary Robert preached a sermon in which she held up for us a central tenet of the gospels… that our fear of the other… our fear of the so-called stranger, is our undoing. Anthropologists speak often of the flight or fight impulse embedded in our DNA; that flightRead More →