Jim Flowers (Page 44)

Judge Ginny Granade’s ruling striking down Alabama’s gay marriage ban seemed to come out of nowhere. Truth has a way of doing that. Perhaps it’s because we don’t get a regular newspaper anymore. Maybe I wasn’t paying close attention, but it seemed the media outlets gave the impending ruling littleRead More →

My mother is eighty-two years old. Her health is slipping a bit, but she still has her wits about her. She can still cuss a blue streak if need be. Once one of her friends said to her, “Sam, you are one of the most opinionated people I know!” toRead More →

Proper 21 Year A 2014   “For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him…”   With the internet and social media there are more and more blogs written by clergy these days….some, though few, are pretty good… but most for me fallRead More →

Of the myriad neuroses in a hyper-neurotic culture, one stands out as the most persistent, and that is our compulsion, our obsessive need to “get it right.” Perhaps it is the perfect storm, of a toxic combination of post Enlightenment thinking and Calvinistic theology that pervades post modern Western cultureRead More →

Many of you have commented on my sermon of this past Sunday in which I trod where most English majors fear to tread (at least this English major)… in the realm of Math. I suggested that the circle might be a metaphor for the kingdom of God; for life itself. TheRead More →