Jim Flowers (Page 45)

If someone were to ask you to describe the central tenet of your faith; what is it at the heart of your spiritual and religious life… in just a sentence: What would you say? In the Christian church we have at our disposal a rich library of scripture; we haveRead More →

Being religious is not all that fashionable these days, particularly among  the so-called Millennials, the next generation to succeed the largely religious baby-boomers. Church growth experts are wringing their hands. Pundits are proclaiming the inevitable death of organized religion, certainly mainstream organized religion. Atheists, now celebrity in pop culture, claimRead More →

“As I went down to the river to pray, studying about that good ol’ way and who shall wear the starry crown. Good Lord show me the way.”   Negro Spiritual/Slave song  Leonardo da Vinci said that water is the driving force of all nature. Not only is water the drivingRead More →

“I’m her friend. She lives with me. She’s lived with me for a while; I can tell you she ain’t on drugs or alcohol. I’m a witness.” said the older of the two women that stopped by my office Monday morning. They knocked on the back door; I met themRead More →

We were watching the news this morning  when Katharine nudged me and asked me to look at what she had found on Facebook. You won’t believe this, she said. It was a post from an old grade school friend touting his newly published book. Back in the day he wasRead More →