Jim Flowers (Page 46)

Resurrection is quintessential mythology. Yes, mythology. For some unfathomable reason in our culture we have lost the true meaning of “myth.” In our culture we think the word myth means a false story, but such a definition couldn’t be further from the truth. Myths are stories wrought in the collectiveRead More →

        The Triduum Sacrum or the “Sacred Three Days” are composed of the last three days of Holy Week: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. The Triduum Sacrum and Easter are the yin and yang of our faith; the dark and the light. There is no Easter withoutRead More →

There are so many words ubiquitous in the church that have fallen flat from overuse; words like sin, redemption, atonement, perfection, faith, righteousness… just to name a few. It is a long list, and through their overuse these words sadly have lost their meaning, their resonance, most particularly the meaningRead More →

I have just finished reading a five-page handwritten letter from a person in Huntsville, Alabama who read my essay on AL.COM. He started his letter by saying he disagreed with me, and then proceeded into a litany of quoting verse after verse of scripture. He never really said anything aboutRead More →

God does not have a plan. I have always bristled at the phrase, “God has a plan.” It is often said with all good intentions to calm one’s fears, but for me it has always been unnerving, an insidious, false sense of security.   The thought of God as aRead More →