Jim Flowers (Page 48)

I write this in the aftermath of George Zimmerman’s acquittal for the killing of Trayvon Martin. I have my own opinion as to whether justice was served, but that is not where my thoughts are right now. My thoughts and indeed my grief have to do with the rapidly growingRead More →

Some fifteen to twenty years ago Katharine and I went to England via a junket provided by one of the insurance companies I represented. Rather than hang around the convention center for a week and listen to the unbearable sales  rah rah speeches, we decided to rent a car, sneakRead More →

I have been thinking a lot lately how things have changed. We have a friend in Austin who is in the property and casualty insurance business, and while visiting him and his family last week he started talking about what was going on in his business, and the conversation carriedRead More →

My friend and classmate from seminary, Will Carter, died last night. He was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer just ten days ago. The Doctors said he could possibly make it four weeks, but Will told his wife it wouldn’t be that long. He was in his late sixties orRead More →

Our daughter Katie was married this past weekend. It was a very small and simple wedding, just close family, but still elegant and beautiful. The poor groom fought back tears the entire service which meant as the officiant I had to fight back tears as well. Katie and Gerald gotRead More →