Jim Flowers (Page 50)

I can remember all the way back to my childhood the images conjured up in my mind at each Palm Sunday. I could imagine throngs of people lining the busy streets of Jerusalem, shouting hosannas almost in a frenzy as the Son of God rode triumphantly into the city onRead More →

This past Sunday’s gospel reading was the very familiar passage known as “the prodigal son.” In the sermon I encouraged us to consider that this text is not about repentance and forgiveness, but about the persistence and the inexorability of love breaking into our world. It is clear in theRead More →

I was asked by several vestry members back in late 2005, while I had been the interim rector for only several months whether I would consider being the Rector here at All Saints. That proposition given this diocese’s tradition was unorthodox especially since the bishop had said that when IRead More →

This past Sunday in my sermon I talked about Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem, “a city who kills her prophets”, he says, a broken and lost city. Jerusalem is the center of the Jewish universe and over the vast sweep of scripture it forever has had an ambiguous identity. On theRead More →

For the last several days the refrain in the song that occurs right at the dramatic end of the movie Places in the Heart has been running through my mind: “Softly, tenderly Jesus is calling …calling me to come home.” The song is not in our hymnal, but it is familiarRead More →