Jim Flowers (Page 51)

Lent begins in two weeks, if you can believe it. As we are invited in the Ash Wednesday rite to observe a Holy Lent, I am asking you to do the same. Lent is the season of the church in which we, with great intention, pay attention to ourselves asRead More →

I listened to and watched the president’s inaugural speech Monday. It was brief but stirring I thought. One point hit home with me and I trust the president was sincere when he said it, and that was his insistence on that fact that we Americans hold many points of view,Read More →

This coming Sunday we will be reading John’s account of the wedding in Cana of Galilee, a small village about half way between Nazareth and Capernaum, at which Jesus turns the water contained in six stone jars into wine. It is one of the more famous passages from the gospels,Read More →

This coming Sunday, the first Sunday after the Epiphany, we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. Katharine and I have recently returned from Austin. During our stay there we celebrated Elliott’s first birthday, our granddaughter, and James, our son’s birthday as well. Elliott being one year old knows beyond a shadowRead More →

I’ve been talking a lot about darkness lately in the midst of a season (the long pre-Christmas season) in which we are beset with all the glitter and lights and canned music that would divert our attention from the dark that prowls just beyond the glitz and glitter. I’ve beenRead More →