Jim Flowers (Page 56)

This past Sunday was the feast of the Trinity, the only Sunday of the church year that celebrates doctrine, per se. In my sermon I said that the Trinity is a “doing trinity” within which we are intimate participants…that when speaking of God, or attempting to understand God, it is bestRead More →

That word up there is only used among theologians and seminary types.(even my spell-check doesn’t know it) It simply means “salvation knowledge, ” or the study of salvation. Believe it or not there is not wide agreement in the theological academy as to what the word salvation means, in fact, quite theRead More →

This past Sunday I mentioned in my sermon that we gather on Sunday for three reasons: First to celebrate the fullness of life God gives to us; second to thank God for our being loved unconditionally; and third to join together at God’s table for nurture and renewal so that we mayRead More →

My post last week “Of Being Saved” got a record response either directly on the blog site or via private e-mail. One astute observer noted that what I had to say must have “touched a nerve, ” so I thought I would expound on the topic again this week. LetRead More →

Just yesterday I received an inquiry via this blog site posted as a comment on the piece entitled “Of the Proverbial Fall.”(Feb. 14, 2012) This person said she had been a member of All Saints many years ago. The question was whether the Episcopal Church believed in the inerrancy/infallibility of scripture.Read More →