Jim Flowers (Page 58)

Breck Pappas called me this past Saturday to ask for a favor. Last summer he interned for a record label in Austin Texas, and one of the bands represented by the record label was travelling from a show in Florida back to Austin to participate in South by Southwest, aRead More →

The issue of church and state has arisen in an odd way over the past two weeks. Rick Santorum posted a video clip of John Kennedy saying that one’s religious beliefs should be kept private, out of the public sphere, and Santorum went on to excoriate Kennedy’s statement implying that itRead More →

The Rector’s Forum group is reading currently Gustavo Gutierrez’s  important book entitled A Theology of Liberation. It is important because it summarizes succinctly a theological movement that began in the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America in the 1950’s and continues to influence theology in our world today. Martin Luther King wasRead More →

This past Sunday I was struck by the words of the opening collect. (we are now using collects written, compiled and edited by Steven Shakespeare, a priest of the Church of England and professor of contemporary ecclesiology at Liverpool University. These collects use fresh and powerful language which track the lectionary contentRead More →

I was listening to the NPR news magazine called Here and Now during lunch hosted by Robin Young. She was interviewing a black female journalist from the New York Times about the Oscar nominated film The Help, about a well to do white woman wanting to interview, for a book sheRead More →