Jim Flowers (Page 59)

Our presiding bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, just recently preached at All Saints Episcopal Church in Birmingham. The occasion was the Baptism of Christ at which there were several baptisms. Her theme was, that as the Baptized, we are called to be light bearers amid a world shrouded in darkness. She remindsRead More →

Not that we will hear anything substantive from our politicians regarding recent developments in the Middle East, now that the national election campaigns are headed into full swing, we best be paying attention to the rapid destabilization in the Arab world. Egypt is at a crucial crossroads as it attempts to formRead More →

This past Monday I was returning from the grocery store listening to NPR. It was Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the topic on the news magazine on the radio was of course all about the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement of theRead More →

The word liturgy literally means “the work of the people.” We are the dramatis personae acting out an ancient truth Sunday after Sunday so that this ancient knowledge will become, as it were muscle memory. Liturgy doesn’t just happen on Sundays however. Those who plan for and prepare flowers for theRead More →

As many of you know K and I have traveled to Austin to meet our new and first grandchild. her name is Elliott Elizabeth Flowers and she is of course the most beautiful child I’ve ever seen. Cory went into labor Monday evening, the day before our departure. They hadRead More →