Jim Flowers (Page 61)

Rector’s report to the parish 2011 I have been with y’all, with All saints, for seven years now….a year as Curate, a year as the interim Rector and five years as Rector. I still believe as I did when I accepted the call to be your rector, that All SaintsRead More →

              There once was a great and good king of Crete who was loved and revered by his subjects. This good king lived a long life and his kingdom enjoyed peace and prosperity, took care of its poor, was a good neighbor to other kingdoms….but alas…as ever, allRead More →

If you’ve ever had the occasion to go to Mobile Metro Jail, you know the scene. You travel east on Canal street; to the north on a crisp Fall day the city skyline in view gleams with promise and self assurance…When crossing under I-10 Canal Street wants to lead you toRead More →

I’m as disappointed in the dysfunction of our government as anyone, Federal and State… Sound policy making is now blatantly being sacrificed to partisanship…electability being the driving force relative to all decision making or lack thereof, the old specter of racism manifested on the periphery. Our government seems now so distant from its peopleRead More →

Every now and again Katharine or I will wonder out loud, “I wonder what ever happened to Gordon Sturges?” Some of you may remember him….He was a handyman who could do just about anything….He could do woodwork; he could glaze windows; he could do masonry and tile; he could paint…HeRead More →