Jim Flowers (Page 62)

Forgive my bad mood….I just read the Washington Post’s article published in the Press Register this morning concerning the new immigration law that has now gone into effect in Alabama. The law touted to be the “toughest in the country” is also proving to be the most hateful. The article focusesRead More →

Mary Robert and I have recently volunteered for a fundraiser for Family Promise of Mobile, an organization that houses among a network of churches homeless families year round. Several area restaurants hosted meals over four evenings with “celebrity” volunteer servers. Our job as the celebrity servers was to help serve mealsRead More →

Mary and I from time to time, not too often, but from time to time get scolded for our persistent preaching about matters of social justice, which is kind of an all inclusive rubric that covers economic and political justice as well. Glenn Beck of Fox News fame went soRead More →

Every now and then it just gets to me…the persistent procession of those in need who file through this office every day. They are behind on their rent and about to be evicted….or they haven’t paid a power bill (Alabama Power Co. is one of the most expensive electric utilitiesRead More →

We’ve gotten a soft reminder these last few days that Fall is on its way once again. Change in the air. The crisp air of early morning; the light of day is beginning to slant the way it does during the coming season, setting asparkle the water of the bay, theRead More →