Jim Flowers (Page 63)

Many of you already know that I wrote a letter this past week to the Press Register condemning the recently adopted immigration law (HB 56) which has been dubbed by opponents and supporters alike as “the toughest immigration law in the country.” I had braced myself for the responses thatRead More →

In the nineteen fifties in the Episcopal Church the term for the church was coined by then presiding bishop Henry Knox Sherrill that the church was a “hospital for sinners”….a sad coinage, but understandable following the catastrophic human disaster called World War Two in which seventy million people were killed….churches filledRead More →

I’m not one who usually wants to talk about the mythological “good ole days”….I think only in hindsight do they seem better than the lives we live today. Hindsight carries with it no risk, no uncertainty, and our memories tend to gloss over the struggles of the past. But in the worldRead More →

I write this as our youth mission team and their leaders are in the Tuscaloosa area clearing debris and making repairs after the record setting recent outbreak of tornados in that area. Except for an unpleasant encounter with some ticks and ants, not to mention the heat, things seem to be goingRead More →

I had a delightful conversation with a parishioner this week. We had a little church business to talk about, but then we digressed and he told me a story about when he and three of his friends were home for the summer between college semesters. All four of them wereRead More →