Jim Flowers (Page 64)

I read with dismay and sadness the Press Register’s account of the passage of the new immigration bill in the Alabama legislature. It is touted by critics and supporters alike that it is the “toughest” immigration bill to be passed in this country. I recognize that immigration is a complexRead More →

K. and I were out walking early this morning and ran into a friend who was on her way to feed the cats of some friends of hers who are out of town. She asked if we’d like to see their garden…we’d heard that it was quite something to see,Read More →

“Are you rapture ready?” a giant full page ad in USA Today read. I really haven’t said anything about all this recent rapture business trusting that All Saints folks have reasonable intelligence and sound learning about such matters, but since the national media gave it so much coverage, even the ever erudite NationalRead More →

Mary and I just returned from clergy conference at which the topic was domestic abuse. It was a long hard day. We heard personal stories of domestic abuse and also learned some valuable information from experts that we as clergy need to know. In many cases clergy hurt the situation more thanRead More →

I had a long conversation with a friend who was born and raised a Roman Catholic, still is…but a very open minded one. (not that there aren’t other Roman Catholics who are open minded….just as in the Episcopal Church there are the open minded ones and the ones not so muchRead More →