Jim Flowers (Page 69)

We have just finished the 2010 edition of Inquirers’ Class. I am so thankful for intelligent and passionately seeking people. The class at times was exhilarating, at least for me. It gives me hope for the church that there are still folks who don’t want easy answers; who wish toRead More →

” I had not thought death had undone so many.” Those words Dante says to Virgil upon entering the Infierno…I’ve been acquainted with death too much lately…the deaths of friends, of family…rudely forced… I just got news that my uncle in Dothan has cancer…He’s eighty six….the older we get theRead More →

Tonight at All Saints the Bridges program of the Quest for Social Justice and the Bay Area Women’s Coalition will present Melanie Jeffcoat’s documentary Open Secret. The documentary is a reenactment of the 1901 Alabama Constitutional Convention based on actual transcripts of the convention. It sheds light on how conscious decisions wereRead More →

We have begun our Inquirers’ Class at All Saints. It is designed for folks who want to know more about the Episcopal Church, and for people who just want to continue to learn about the faith. It also serves as preparation for Confirmation, the “official” means of joining the EpiscopalRead More →

It happens to me each time the first cool snap of Autumn appears…the blue of the sky grown poignant with the low humidity blown down from the north; the sedge along the roadside and in the delta ripening into gold fruitfulness…the sunlight now at a mysterious slant… gently questioning the undulations ofRead More →