Jim Flowers (Page 70)

I got in an argument (I should say a spirited conversation) with a colleague at our recent clergy conference. I made a statement that the notion of an unchanging God, the unmoved mover, a faceless and aloof God, unseen, lost in the heavens is just untenable after having passed throughRead More →

Mary and I just returned from clergy conference where we heard from Phyllis Tickle, noted lay scholar and theologian, who in 2009 wrote an important book called, “The Great Emergence.” In it she chronicles the era changing events since the birth of Christianity, and how these events have affected the lifeRead More →

K was having a conversation with our son James yesterday afternoon. She was on her cell phone and I could hear most of both ends of the conversation. He had the day off but had called to tell us about a dish he had prepared in the restaurant the nightRead More →

I’m not writing this for congratulations. I really doubted the truth of the man’s story in the first place about how he needed $231 to satisfy a five year old debt to the Housing Board so he could re-apply for section eight housing. I’ve gotten cynical, I’m ashamed to say, havingRead More →

I was forwarded an interview conducted by Interfaithnet, a web site that explores matters of philosophy and faith in a post-modern context. The interview was with Sam Harris, a noted ethicist and professed opponent of organized religion. He states that church doctrine and dogma are broadly erroneous and in someRead More →