Jim Flowers (Page 71)

Especially during hurricane season, I like to peruse the Weatherunderground web site. You can get local forecasts, live Nexrad radar, animated satellite imagery, computer models…all kinds of cool meteorological stuff. Since at the moment, there is no tropical activity in the North Atlantic, Dr. Jeff Masters, the chief weather guy and co-founder ofRead More →

Every now and again I try out the left side of my Brain by reading about the particle physics of string theory and quantum theory, and the reconciliation thereof….at least until I am so overwhelmed that I have to stop. String theory asserts that the universe, both matter and energy,Read More →

Ecclesia is the Koine Greek word for the gathered assembly, the church. The word literally means, “the called out ones.” I spent last week in Austin at the Seminary of the Southwest for continuing education. Our topic was Paul’s so-called “first” letter to the Corinthians, the ecclesia under Paul’s aegis inRead More →

As K and I were driving back from the Eastern Shore last Friday we were listening to a story on NPR about a new book that’s just come out. Its title is 97 Orchard: An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families in One New York Tenement written by Jane Ziegelman. It isRead More →

I’ve had jury duty this week. We always groan when we get the summons, but really the whole process of American justice is fascinating. Everyone has the right to a trial by a jury of their peers. Peers? all these characters gathered at Government square?  A trial by jury…not soRead More →