Jim Flowers (Page 73)

The more I read the Gospels the more I am convinced of their social, political and economic edges. Social, because these pieces of rhetoric address the way society is constructed, how we live together. The vertical social order is challenged by a new radical mutuality. Economic, because these gospels speakRead More →

I remember my grandmother giving me a cross necklace when I was confirmed. I was in the sixth grade. I wore it to school, and one of my friends asked me that if Jesus had been killed by a gun, would I wear a gun around my neck. I thought the questionRead More →

I had a good conversation yesterday with my former sister in law. That sounds so cold….former. Just because she is divorced from my brother doesn’t mean that we don’t still have a relationship. I’m glad of that. She is in the process of going to seminary in the Fall with theRead More →

It is happening again…new life stirring up and against the cold that now is beginning to lose its grip. There are signs of life everywhere; the earth awaking from dreamful sleep. There, narcissus is blooming in a vacant lot; gold finches and robins carried in by the south wind twitter among theRead More →

In Flannery O’Connor’s collection of essays and lectures, entitled Mystery and Manners, the author discusses her aesthetical and literary theories, and the art of writing fiction in the deep south. She argues that it is impossible for the southern writer to divorce her sensibilities from the intensity of interpersonal relationships so common amongRead More →