Jim Flowers (Page 74)

I am currently teaching a course in Ethics for the diocesan school for vocational deacons. We are using Alasdair McIntyre’s A Short History of Ethics as our textbook. It is a very succinct survey of classical moral philosophy beginning with the Sophists, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle; the Stoics and Cynics; AugustineRead More →

I admit it. I love football. For those of you who don’t, please indulge me. I love the beauty of a tight spiraling pass, the majesty of a fifty yard punt, the sudden burst up the middle by the tailback, the dazzling speed, the aerial catch, the linebacker’s instinct, the struggleRead More →

K and I have been living in Mobile now for almost six years, and we have really come to love this quirky place. We love the diversity of architecture…the Greco-Roman revival, the Empire, the creole cottages, the craftsman style, the ghosts of Gothic, the faded influence of the Spanish and French whoRead More →

To know what love is one must be about loving; to know what good is, one must do goodness. I learned about that again this morning. I just served as a panelist along with several L’Arche core and team members in a conversation with some Birmingham Southern students who haveRead More →

In 1967 Marshall McLuhan coined the term, “the medium is the message.” McLuhan was a professor of English Literature, critic and scholar, but much of his life’s work had to do with the study of how we communicate in the context of a post-modern multi media world. He also coinedRead More →