Jim Flowers (Page 77)

About six weeks ago a dear friend of mine who lives in Dothan was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I talked to him this morning. His disease is in an early stage, and his prognosis is less dire than most, but in all likelihood he won’t live past five years. TodayRead More →

One of my favorite pieces of music is John Rutter’s Requiem. On September 11, 2001, my first day of seminary, in our liturgical music class, instead of a lecture, we went to the chapel and simply listened to Rutter’s Requiem in homage to the dead killed by terrorists on thatRead More →

Last week in this space I reflected on Bishop Spong’s new book on Eternal Life and a new religious consciousness beyond traditional theism. I appreciate Spong’s bold iconoclastic approach to matters of faith, and, as I said, Spong has given us fresh and mature language with which we are moreRead More →

The Beth Murray Sunday School Class at All Saints is beginning study of Bishop Jack Spong’s latest and perhaps last book entitled Eternal Life: A New Vision: Beyond Religion, Beyond Theism, Beyond Heaven and Hell. I’m really excited about the book, so I’m sitting in on the class. In someRead More →

Theologians have pondered forever the problem of evil in our world. The great problem is of course, “Why would a God whom we say is loving allow bad things to happen in the world God loves?” It’s a good question to which there are no easy answers. The escape routeRead More →