Jim Flowers (Page 81)

Today is the feast day of Catherine of Siena. The Mass at noon today was in her honor. She lived in the Tuscan city of Siena in the late fourteenth century. At age five it is told that she had a vision of the great martyrs in the heavenly courtsRead More →

I write here in Austin Texas at the library of the Seminary of the Southwest. It is about seventy degrees outside at about 20% humidity. We don’t know about twenty percent humidity in Mobile. My sinuses are confused. There’s not a cloud in the sky and around noon we tookRead More →

At one time I had a Celtic cross that I wore around my neck, just for two or three years or so. I remember a college friend asked me that if Jesus had been killed by firing squad, would I then wear a gun around my neck…or an electric chair,Read More →

During my last year of seminary Mel Gibson’s movie the Passion of the Christ was released about this time of year, right around Holy Week. I had read reviews and I knew I probably wouldn’t like it, but I felt if I were going to critique its theology, it wouldRead More →

Mary Robert and I received the J. Allen Pope Reaching Out award this past Saturday evening. The award is given by AQUA, an organization comprised of the various organizations and agencies that serve the gay, lesbian and transgendered community in Mobile. It was a bigger deal than I thought; incredibleRead More →