Jim Flowers (Page 82)

I don’t watch a lot of television; just sporting events, Jon Stewart on the Daily Show when I can catch him, and Food T.V. I’ve given up on real journalism. It’s all entertainment sound-bites now; and don’t even get me started on the so-called reality shows. But lately I’ve beenRead More →

Thou hast neither youth nor age But as it were an after dinner sleep Dreaming of both from Eliot’s Gerontion I’ve never been one to fast during Lent. I remember once or twice I gave up chocolate, or potato chips, but that was no big deal, just a fairly simpleRead More →

I walked out the front door this morning, Ash Wednesday, to last night’s flotsam: strings of broken beads, a half eaten funnel cake just there in the middle of the street, cast off paper products everywhere, tottering in the morning breeze; an askew port-o-let down on a dead corner, thatRead More →

From my front porch I can see the gaudy lights of the food kiosk on Broad street…hawking funnel cakes….jumbo corn dogs…chicken on a stick..Do people really eat that stuff, and live to tell about it? Somewhere out in the night the drum corps is marking an ancient rhythm reminding usRead More →

Yeah, I think I’m the last one on earth yet to join Facebook. All my friends have, everyone in the office. And they have all these friends. I thought I had friends, but alas, the cyber-truth of the matter is that I am virtually friendless without Facebook. K has recentlyRead More →