Jim Flowers (Page 84)

The great German theologian, Jurgen Moltmann, makes the assertion that the Christian faith and life is a perpetual Advent, that we live in an eschatological tension between a certain hope of God’s saving presence, and God’s final consummation of heaven and earth, a time when God will be “all inRead More →

There are many metaphors with which to speak of God. In truth the language of the imagination is the only way to speak of God. The people of the Islamic faith speak of God as having ninety nine names, emblematic of the awareness that we can never definitively speak ofRead More →

While singing Melita (also known as the “Navy” hymn #608) this past Sunday I was so choked up with emotion I could hardly get the words out. Over the years I have sung this hymn time and again, but I never really felt the words. I guess I heard itRead More →

November 4th 2008 was perhaps our defining moment as a nation.Whether one is liberal or conservative; Republican or Democrat, one thing that we can all celebrate in this election is the beginning of the end of racism: the finale of the American Civil War. From the abolition of slavery, BrownRead More →

This past weekend the youth confirmation candidates participated in a two day retreat. Their art project was to make chasubles for themselves. A chasuble is the sleeveless, poncho like garment worn by the celebrant at the Eucharist. In the church of England the one who presides over the Eucharist isRead More →