Jim Flowers (Page 85)

In our Gospel reading from Matthew this coming Sunday, Jesus, in his debate with the Jewish elders and authorities, lays bare the truth of the matter. He lays aside his parabolic teaching and practices a little “straight talk.” The pharisees ask Jesus which commandment in Torah is the greatest. WeRead More →

The idea of net worth is fluent in our culture. I, like many of you, have had to pay attention to our falling net worth over the past weeks; wondering when the bleeding will stop; fearing what the future holds. I’ve been wishing for Alan Greenspan to return to theRead More →

One of my favorite books in the Bible is the Book of Job. It kind of keeps the rest of scripture honest. Scholars believe that the story of Job is an ancient one originating in the Semitic oral tradition possibly some several thousand years B.C.E, and probably got written downRead More →

After church this past Sunday I was approached by a parishioner who said that what I had just preached sounded a lot like universalism, the notion that all people will receive God’s salvation no matter what religious affiliation. My answer was that God is indeed a universalist. How could weRead More →

“Death is the mother of beauty” insists Wallace Stevens. I write this as Katharine’s father is near death. Things do not seem all that beautiful to me right now. I’m remembering his life, how courtly, how hard he worked, his grand sense of humor, his devotion to his wife, hisRead More →