Blog (Page 102)

Liturgy, derived from the Latin Leitourgas, means literally “the people working.” But working for what? I was once at a wedding rehearsal and the mother of the bride didn’t like the way we were doing a certain thing in the marriage rite and was vocal about it. My response wasRead More →

We are now in the season after Pentecost, the season of the Spirit, that enigmatic third person of the Trinity. In Luke the Spirit shows up fifty days after the Resurrection. In John the Spirit shows up Easter evening. But in truth the Spirit is forever on the move. ForRead More →

Mary Robert and I just attended the Spring Clergy conference of our diocese. Dr. Catherine Keller, process theologian extraordinaire was our presenter. In her opening lecture she spoke of two modalities of knowing having to do with knowing self, knowing one’s environment and knowing God. The first mode of knowingRead More →

I received something of a cryptic E-mail a few days ago. At first it looked like spam, but the sender’s name was vaguely familiar, so I opened it. It was titled something like “in praise of God’s greening love,” and it went on to talk about the advent of spring,Read More →

Today is the feast day of Catherine of Siena. The Mass at noon today was in her honor. She lived in the Tuscan city of Siena in the late fourteenth century. At age five it is told that she had a vision of the great martyrs in the heavenly courtsRead More →