Blog (Page 104)

Thou hast neither youth nor age But as it were an after dinner sleep Dreaming of both from Eliot’s Gerontion I’ve never been one to fast during Lent. I remember once or twice I gave up chocolate, or potato chips, but that was no big deal, just a fairly simpleRead More →

I walked out the front door this morning, Ash Wednesday, to last night’s flotsam: strings of broken beads, a half eaten funnel cake just there in the middle of the street, cast off paper products everywhere, tottering in the morning breeze; an askew port-o-let down on a dead corner, thatRead More →

From my front porch I can see the gaudy lights of the food kiosk on Broad street…hawking funnel cakes….jumbo corn dogs…chicken on a stick..Do people really eat that stuff, and live to tell about it? Somewhere out in the night the drum corps is marking an ancient rhythm reminding usRead More →

Yeah, I think I’m the last one on earth yet to join Facebook. All my friends have, everyone in the office. And they have all these friends. I thought I had friends, but alas, the cyber-truth of the matter is that I am virtually friendless without Facebook. K has recentlyRead More →

I watched a little of the inaugural prayer service at the National Cathedral this morning chiefly to hear the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church deliver the closing prayer. The service was grand and ecumenical, not ecumenical just among Christian denominations, but among all faiths as well. The theme ofRead More →