Blog (Page 105)

Whether you voted red or blue this past election, there is no argument that this inauguration is one of poignant historic proportions. I was watching the Today show this morning and the soon to be official White House photographer was sharing some recent photos of the Obamas. I was struckRead More →

K and I were taking a walk late in the afternoon around the Episcopal Seminary campus in Austin last week, and we came upon two little girls who, outside their parents apartment in the driveway, had arranged a bed spread, pillows, stuffed animals, two dolls,a lamp, a table with aRead More →

In early religious Rites set at the winter solstice the ancients would gather at night and encircle a fire; they would sing and dance raising their fiery torches towards starry heaven and invite their God to come among them; to empower them to brace against the darkness that closes uponRead More →

An aged man is but a paltry thingA tattered coat upon a stickUnless Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder singFor every tatter in its mortal dress,Nor is there singing school but studyingMonuments of its own magnificence;And therefore I have sailed the seas and comeTo the holy city ofRead More →

The great German theologian, Jurgen Moltmann, makes the assertion that the Christian faith and life is a perpetual Advent, that we live in an eschatological tension between a certain hope of God’s saving presence, and God’s final consummation of heaven and earth, a time when God will be “all inRead More →