Blog (Page 108)

I was perusing my seminary’s new web site and came across an archive of student sermons that were preached in Christ Chapel there. One sermon written by a classmate of mine was a reflection on the familiar passage in Ezekiel concerning the dry bones. You remember the passage: God speaksRead More →

Sacraments are defined in the Catechism of the Episcopal Church as outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace. Our particular sacraments we name are Baptism, Eucharist, Unction (anointing of the sick), Marriage, Confirmation, The Reconciliation of a Penitent and Ordination. There are seven of these signs of theRead More →

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the great English romantic poet and incisive apologist on matters religious and spiritual, suggested in a defense of Christian orthodoxy against the puritans, the fundamentalists of his day, a radical premise. He wrote that in order to understand scripture one must employ the imagination; that it isRead More →

This past Saturday a few of us from All Saints joined others from the diocese of the Central Gulf Coast and the diocese of Alabama in pilgrimage to Hayneville, Al., a small hamlet some thirty miles southwest of Montgomery. August 14 is the feast day on the Episcopal calendar ofRead More →

I was talking to a priest friend of mine whose parish is on the Florida Gulf Coast. He recently went to the annual blessing of the fleet. Each year a different clergy person from the denominational diversity of the area is asked by the mayor to lead the prayers. MyRead More →