Blog (Page 59)

Proper 21 Year B Please excuse me from being riled up. Jesus is riled up in this passage from Mark. In the Spring of 2017 five or six months after Donald Trump was elected president, our bishop called a special meeting of the clergy of the diocese. The reason forRead More →

There are many reasons that I’m so very thankful to be an Episcopalian. We are not a so-called ‘confessional church.’ That is, we don’t swear to a common dogmatic belief system. It is at the heart of our ethos that theology is speculative. We recognize that spirituality isn’t a sourceRead More →

The Episcopal General Convention was held in Austin Texas July 5 through July 14. This was the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church which has met every three years since 1785. I served as deputy representing our diocese. The House of Deputies is comprised of four clergy and fourRead More →

This week I am travelling to Camp Kanuga in North Carolina to prepare for the upcoming General Convention of the Episcopal Church at which I will be a deputy representing our diocese. The General Convention of the Episcopal Church meets every three years. It has since 1789. The General ConventionRead More →

Notice, gentle reader, that in the above title I said “Resurrection,” not The Resurrection. Mincing words you might say. When I was a child, I had been in Sunday School and had just heard the story told of Jonah and the whale (great fish, if you’re mincing words), and I askedRead More →