Blog (Page 62)

I am reading currently Nobel Laureate Svetlana Alexievich’s new novel entitled Secondhand Time, the End of the Soviets. It is a fascinating account of the dissolution of the Soviet empire in which the author uses as her primary text interviews of of her friends and neighbors, government officials, political prisoners,Read More →

Our liturgy, as it travels among the seasons of the year… in its proclamation of the faith… the best we can say for our collective speculations as to the nature of God, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit… the best we can say of our faith is that it isRead More →

There are many things in scripture that are nuanced, ambiguous; some things downright contradictory. In Proverbs the scribe admonishes us to look before we leap (yes, that’s where that comes from), and then just a few lines later we are told that “he who hesitates is lost.” Which? Job challengesRead More →

“I said to my Soul, be still and let the dark come upon you which shall be the darkness of God.” T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets In late November, or at this time of the year, the Earth conspires it seems against the vitality of the created order. Plants have gone toRead More →

Just this past week I spoke at a civic public gathering. The topic had to do with the words we use in our practice of the faith, and how those words have come to lose their intended meaning; how, often times words become hollow and wooden from overuse, or evenRead More →