Blog (Page 65)

It is still Easter, the season of resurrection in the liturgical tradition of the church. This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday marking the end of Easter, the day on which we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit to the church. That is the day according to the writer ofRead More →

William Flowers is a great guy. Smart. Gracious. Sensitive. He is a cousin of mine who lives in Dothan. Of all my Dothan cousins he is the one I like the most. He is one of the seven children of Paul and Grace Flowers, the second to the last inRead More →

Among the leadership we talk a lot here at All Saints about “growing the church.” (Not that numbers necessarily reflect growth) We are aware about how mainstream denominations have declined systematically in numbers of members over the past several decades. The Episcopal Church is no exception, so our task isRead More →

One of our members at All Saints who is African-American got told at school this week by a fellow student that she was, “black as hell.” She said she was afraid of this boy. One of the insidious realities of white privilege is that we, the privileged, simply don’t haveRead More →

Judge Ginny Granade’s ruling striking down Alabama’s gay marriage ban seemed to come out of nowhere. Truth has a way of doing that. Perhaps it’s because we don’t get a regular newspaper anymore. Maybe I wasn’t paying close attention, but it seemed the media outlets gave the impending ruling littleRead More →