Blog (Page 71)

In my sermon this past Sunday I mentioned attending our recent clergy conference at which our speaker, who specializes in inter-religious studies and translation, made the bold statement that there are far, far more similarities among the three Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam than differences. No one had anyRead More →

The bombing that took place yesterday during the Boston Marathon has of course dominated the news these past two days. This morning we were told that there was another death and a dozen or so new injuries. I listened to a fascinating interview with a young doctor who was onRead More →

My son James and his wife Corey experienced a tragedy yesterday. A good friend of theirs who was a part of the restaurant community went missing last Friday, and just yesterday he was found dead in his car, an apparent suicide. James called me yesterday just to talk it out.Read More →

You won’t find that word in the title above in many dictionaries, although I found it in my American Heritage dictionary…a short definition. Liminal is an adjective (my spell-check doesn’t recognize it) The entry in the dictionary is Limen, which according to its Latin root means threshold. The definition reads:Read More →

I can remember all the way back to my childhood the images conjured up in my mind at each Palm Sunday. I could imagine throngs of people lining the busy streets of Jerusalem, shouting hosannas almost in a frenzy as the Son of God rode triumphantly into the city onRead More →