Blog (Page 74)

This week’s gospel reading is the familiar account of the appearance of John the Baptist in the Judean desert, here translated wilderness. Luke employs the language of Isaiah, “the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall beRead More →

Our family gathered this past weekend in San Antonio Texas for the baptism of Katharine’s and my granddaughter Elliott. The baptism took place at St. Georges Maronite Catholic Church. I knew very little about the Maronite Church, also known as the Eastern Catholics. They are a much older church than the RomanRead More →

I was asked recently by a parishioner to speak to his Rotary Club….he already had the topic in mind: “It’s Greek to me,” he smiled as he told me. He thought given my occasional penchant for citing the Koine Greek during sermons relative to the Gospel appointed for the day…and thereby lookingRead More →

Katharine and I walked to our voting place early this morning, Springhill Community Center. As we headed up Dauphin Street we passed several women waiting at bus stops; waiting for a westbound bus presumably to take them to work, or a doctor’s appointment, or some other pressing responsibility. We wondered aloud whenRead More →

I have a friend who lives in Atlanta. He grew up in Decatur Alabama, and was my roommate for two years in college. During my years in college I spent a good deal of time with his family since Decatur wasn’t that far from Sewanee. His father was an Opthamologist.Read More →