Blog (Page 76)

Last night the vestry of All Saints concurred unanimously with my decision to offer the rite of blessing the commitments of same sex partners. As you know at the recent General Convention of the Episcopal Church nearly 80% of both the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies (clergyRead More →

Since this past Sunday after we participated in the “appreciative inquiry” exercise, exploring what All Saints and the Episcopal Church in general means to us, I’ve been thinking a lot about what being an Episcopalian means to me. My family joined the Episcopal Church when I was five years old. My mother wasRead More →

Last night we watched a marvelous documentary on the life of Eugene Walter, a native Mobilian, best known for his poems and short stories and his novel The Untidy Pilgrim. He was one of those rare souls whom we encounter along the way who refuses to live life conventionally. He wasRead More →

Since hurricane Isaac is on most everyone’s mind right now, I thought I would engage in a little climatological musing, and perhaps some metaphysical reflection as well. When I was in the insurance business I got told by clients from time to time that it was their understanding that certain “actsRead More →

We just recently saw at the Crescent theater downtown the movie Beasts of the Southern Wild. I think Wednesday night is its last showing here, but if you can’t catch it here, for goodness sake rent it. It is a mythic tale of epic proportions of the human spirit. It isRead More →