Blog (Page 78)

That word up there is only used among theologians and seminary types.(even my spell-check doesn’t know it) It simply means “salvation knowledge, ” or the study of salvation. Believe it or not there is not wide agreement in the theological academy as to what the word salvation means, in fact, quite theRead More →

This past Sunday I mentioned in my sermon that we gather on Sunday for three reasons: First to celebrate the fullness of life God gives to us; second to thank God for our being loved unconditionally; and third to join together at God’s table for nurture and renewal so that we mayRead More →

My post last week “Of Being Saved” got a record response either directly on the blog site or via private e-mail. One astute observer noted that what I had to say must have “touched a nerve, ” so I thought I would expound on the topic again this week. LetRead More →

Just yesterday I received an inquiry via this blog site posted as a comment on the piece entitled “Of the Proverbial Fall.”(Feb. 14, 2012) This person said she had been a member of All Saints many years ago. The question was whether the Episcopal Church believed in the inerrancy/infallibility of scripture.Read More →

Mary and I just returned from clergy conference at which internationally known church historian (and Episcopalian) Diana Butler Bass presented an inspiring and startling analysis of the state of Christianity in the post modern world. Her new book is entitled Christianity after Religion. In it she notes that despite decliningRead More →