Blog (Page 79)

As a teenager one of my favorite authors was Madeline L’Engle. Her most famous book was entitled A Wrinkle in Time. It is a fascinating story about two precocious siblings invited by three mysterious old women to “tesseract” (travel in time and space) to a far distant world to combatRead More →

Traditionally on Good Friday in the Episcopal Church countrywide the loose plate offering goes to the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. The members of that diocese are Palestinians. Remembering that has caused me to reflect on what many of us have learned during this past Lent in our study concerning the political andRead More →

Pardon my curmudgeonly attitude; I would probably feel better had I not been paying attention to the news media over the past several weeks. Last night I was watching an interview by Piers Morgan with presidential hopeful Ron Paul. They at one point were talking about health-care in this country, which asRead More →

There was a guest editorial in the Press Register this morning by a writer from the Times Picayune decrying the verbal and racially charged abuse by some members of The University of Southern Mississippi’s pep band during an NCAA basketball playoff game. One of the opposing player’s name was Angel Rodriguez,Read More →

Breck Pappas called me this past Saturday to ask for a favor. Last summer he interned for a record label in Austin Texas, and one of the bands represented by the record label was travelling from a show in Florida back to Austin to participate in South by Southwest, aRead More →