Blog (Page 97)

I was standing in the foyer of the church office just before the five thirty Christmas Eve service when the bottom dropped out. The front line of severe weather had arrived as predicted… as if on cue. Frenzied sheets of rain hurried through the already flooding parking lot; umbrellas wereRead More →

We approach the Winter Solstice, the darkest time of the year. In ancient ritual, in cultures around the planet, at the Winter Solstice, worshipers would encircle a fire and bid their God to descend from the darkness beyond into their midst…fire inviting fire, of like mind, to enlighten the dark.Read More →

I’ve been reading a compendium of essays by Johann Baptist Metz, a Roman Catholic theologian of the twentieth century, entitled Love’s Strategy. First and foremost in Metz’s mind is the reality that the coming of the Christ is the coming of Love, the Love of God made manifest in earth,Read More →

Our children arrive tomorrow for the holiday. I’m happy about that….I haven’t seen them in six months. Their coming has caused me here in late mid life, in the waning light of Fall, to take stock of things that make this earth heaven:…their gracious friendship…my wife who loves me moreRead More →

The principal aim of Hebrew Scripture is to tell the story of a people loved and chosen by God, a people sent in mission to build Jerusalem, the holy city envisioned by God through the patriarchs, the judges and kings and sages and prophets. And once built, scripture tells us,Read More →