Calendar of events

If this table isn’t up to date, you may always check the scheduled readings for this week by visiting The Lectionary Page. We are currently following Track 2 of the lectionary.

December 22, 2024The Fourth Sunday in Advent
Lectionary:Micah 5:2-5a
Canticle 15
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-55
Lector:Nic Wood
Intercessor:Carolyn Taylor
Chalice:Bob Allen
Usher:Mary Louise Durant
LEV:Foy & Woody Hannum
Godly Play Door Keeper:Baldwin Sanders
Breakfast:Michael Johnson, Brian Allison
Lectors:Mary Robert, Cynthia Tucker
Intercessor:Gabby Posadas
Chalice Bearer:Molly Allison
Usher(s):Suzanne Cleveland, Maggie Prestridge
Vestry Greeter:Janet Hinton
Altar Guild: Mary Robert
Bread:Martha Durant
Flower Guild:Flower Guild
Reception:Parish Life Committee
LEV:Foy & Woody Hannum