If this table isn’t up to date, you may always check the scheduled readings for this week by visiting The Lectionary Page. We are currently following Track 2 of the lectionary.
February 16, 2025 | The Sixth Sunday after Epiphany |
Lectionary: | Jeremiah 17:5-10 Psam 1 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 Luke 6:17-26 |
8:00am | |
Lector: | Cynthia Donnell |
Intercessor: | Pete Mackey |
Chalice: | Cynthia Donnell |
Usher: | Pete Mackey |
LEV: | Gail Bramer (Dillard) |
Godly Play Door Keeper: | Baldwin Sanders |
Breakfast: | Tori & Rick Davis, Renea Greene, Katharine Flowers |
10:30am | |
Lectors: | Kathryn Hedlund, Brian Jackson |
Intercessor: | Richard Tillman |
Chalice Bearer: | Adriene LaPorte |
Crucifer: Book: | Brooklyn Bell T.J. Bell |
Usher(s): | Maggie Prestridge, Suzanne Cleveland |
Vestry Greeter: | Pier Hardin |
Altar Guild: | Betty Bentley, Michael Johnson |
Bread: | Hans Rufer |
Flower Guild: | Pier Hardin |
Reception: | Parish Life Committee |
LEV: | Gail Bramer (Dillard) |